Will Things Ever Change?

Will Things Ever Change?

Politics is exhausting. Although the election of 2024 began on November 4, most everyone would like some quiet time without the blaring rhetoric of opposing political forces. However, Christians have a responsibility that never needs to be put on hiatus: Praying for those in government to make godly decisions.

In the confirmation of the latest Supreme Court Justice, those identified as pro-life have a reason for optimism; for the first time in many years, there are justices seated on the highest court who could choose to take a stand for the rights of the unborn. Interestingly, when the writer made this observation to another Christian, the response was, “You know nothing will ever change.” While such skepticism is certainly understandable, should this be the attitude of those who serve the all-powerful God?

In addressing the attitude children of God should have toward secular rulers, it is important to understand the place that prayer holds. In writing to Timothy, the apostle Paul stated, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.” (I Timothy 2:1-3) While Christians should never cower in fear when required to stand up for faith, Paul notes that peace and quietness are preferable to persecution. Therefore, Christians should pray for their leaders to display godliness or, at a minimum, maintain neutrality toward followers of God.

Most prayers (at least those publicly led) are generic when it comes to praying for leaders. It may simply be the request, “Please be with our leaders,” or “Help our leaders to make godly decisions” and there is certainly nothing wrong with such pleas. Occasionally, the one leading the prayer will use the exact language of I Timothy 2 in the plea for “quiet and peaceable lives;” this, too, is appropriate and commendable. Still, no child of God should demonstrate timidity in approaching God’s throne with specific requests for earthly leaders. Consider how this applies to the subject at hand.

Since the infamous 1973 Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States, over 61 million unborn children have been killed. To put this in perspective, it is roughly equivalent to the population of Alabama twelve times over. To present it another way, it is equivalent to the number of Jews and non-Jews killed in the Nazi instigated holocaust almost six times over. Despite these staggering numbers, “choice” has become such a political topic that many have grown numb to both its implications and consequences. Despite this numbness, one of the seven things that God hates is “hands that shed innocent blood” (see Proverbs 6:16-17). Only by dehumanizing the unborn can one not see these innocents as victims of this heinous sin.

Christians should pray for leaders who will take a stand against abortion. These prayers may be specifically directed toward asking for courage on behalf of those who can use the “bully pulpit” to promote life. It may be for those in positions of judicial power who will allow the laws protecting life and limb of citizens to be extended to these unborn citizens. It may be for leaders to use wisdom in helping young mothers understand the consequences of their decisions and seek better solutions. Prayers should be specific, well-reasoned, and fervent in beseeching the help of the Almighty in the protection of the innocents.

Will things ever change? Only God knows the answer to this question. Regardless, may the people of God petition their great King in full assurance that justice will one day come to the innocent and that His intervention in the affairs of man can work for the protection of those unable to protect themselves.  


While on this somber topic, may each child of God also pray for opportunities to be of service in saving the lives of the unborn. This may be through befriending a young couple who find themselves with an unplanned child. It may also be in providing financial funding for groups seeking to aid in the adoption process. It may even be in a willingness to adopt a child into one’s family. Pray for these opportunities to be personally involved in saving the life of an innocent!

“To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power.” (II Thessalonians 1:11)

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