All in Judgment

The Imprecatory Psalms

While the writers wished for the defeat of evil, they asked God to be the one who did the punishment. This allowed them the privilege of doing good toward an enemy, while at the same time asking God to be the one to take vengeance.

Habakkuk's Example for Troubled Times

The past few months have been troubling for the people of God who are concerned about morality. Debates about transgenderism have led to cultural clashes around the country as states and their leaders make decisions that will impact younger, more vulnerable citizens. A recent leak from the Supreme Court on the hot button topic of abortion has reignited emotional responses so much so that fencing has been placed around the Supreme Court building, for fear of attack. Atrocities in a foreign war remain forefront in the news cycle and a reminder of how villainous humans can be to other humans. If one has a steady diet of news consumption, it can lead to hand-wringing worry about the state of the world. Yet, God says to live without anxiety: “The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:5b-7). How is this possible?

The After School Satan Club

Just when it appears things cannot get any stranger, along comes a news story about an after-school program taught by Satanists. Upon first hearing of this effort, I thought it was parody; however, after a brief Internet search, it became quite evident the effort is real. Sponsored by the Satanic Temple, the following description of the program is given on its website:


The After School Satan Clubs meet at select public schools where Good News Clubs also operate. Trained educators provide activities and learning opportunities, which students are free to engage in, or they may opt to explore other interests that may be aided by available resources. The environment is open and parents are welcome to participate. While the classes are designed to promote intellectual and emotional development in accordance with TST’s tenets, no proselytization or religious instruction takes place.

Parents: Not Everything is a Five-Alarm Fire

It is interesting how certain phrases are incorporated into everyday language. For example, Americans often use firefighter code to describe everything from the heat intensity of chili to the seriousness of a situation encountered in any host of situations. Just as with firefighters, the number of “alarms” demonstrates the magnitude of the situation.

The Impartial Judge

Just when you thought 2020 could not get more intense, a vacancy opens on the Supreme Court. There is a silver lining found amidst the dark cloud of politics. As we watch the wrangling over this nomination, it provides a good opportunity to reflect on what it means to serve a Judge who exercises true justice.