The Impartial Judge

The Impartial Judge

Just when you thought 2020 could not get more intense, a vacancy opens on the Supreme Court, throwing the presidential election and nation into further turmoil. Like most things political, choosing a justice is highly partisan and focused on getting someone who represents “my side.” Sadly, the concept of partisanship in relation to judges makes a mockery of true justice. True justice is determined in only one way: making a fair ruling based on the standard.

There is a silver lining found amidst the dark cloud of politics. As we watch the wrangling over this nomination, it provides a good opportunity to reflect on what it means to serve a Judge who exercises true justice. Christians delight in the idea that right will one day triumph over evil. Such sentiment was expressed by a heavenly voice lauding the destruction of evil Babylon: “For this reason her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her” (Revelation 18:8 ESV). Truly, God’s vindication over wickedness will be a time of great joy.

However, before too much jubilation takes place, there is another important point to consider about His judgment: it is impartial. The apostle Peter noted the following: “And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile” (I Peter 1:17). Christians do well to remember that God is non-partisan; judgment is given based on the standard He has laid down. There is a strong temptation to believe that “God is on my side” simply because I profess to wear the name of Christ. It must first be understood that God is on “my side” only if I am on His side. Second, it is essential to understand that godly action is the only way of proving one’s loyalty to Him.

In the end, Christians can take respite in knowing that God is the righteous Judge; He will mete out the necessary vengeance and reward. Thus, God’s people can get busy loving their enemies and doing good to those who harm them while allowing their lights to shine in darkness. Supreme Court justices will come and go. The true Judge is eternal and in this we can take comfort.

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