All in Priorities

Learning to Gaze

If you had one thing to ask of God, what would it be? It is always difficult asking a question like that because there can often be two answers. There is the actual answer, and then there is the answer we know we ought to give. There can create tension within the answerer—they know (or think they know) what the right answer should be, and though they don’t feel it in their heart, they still may feel compelled to answer the question one way rather than the other.

Buy Food Without Price

In Isaiah 55:1 God commands, “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” But how can someone without money buy food? And what kind of food is priced for free? Here, Isaiah is foreshadowing the Gospel that will be ushered in by the coming Messiah.