And The Winner Is…God!

And The Winner Is…God!

Numerous elections across the United States will be held on Tuesday and topping the ballot will be America’s choice for which man will guide the country’s Executive Branch for the next four years. Regardless of the outcome, roughly half the nation will be disappointed while the other half will rejoice that “their man” is victorious.

No matter who wins the presidency, changes will take place over the next four years. While these may be slow in coming or monumentally quick, the nation will not be the same in 2024. Many, including Christians, fret over the direction the nation may go. In times like these, it is important to remember what the eternal King has spoken about temporary rulers. The ancient prophet Daniel wrote, “You control human events--you give rulers their power and take it away, and you are the source of wisdom and knowledge” (2:21 CEV). Simply put, God is in control! At times this may be difficult to see; however, His faithful know that how things appear on the surface does not bespeak spiritual reality. Eternally speaking, right will reign victorious because God is its Champion.

No matter who wins the presidency, there is little doubt that post-Christian America will lurch toward secularism. This change may come in a trickle or flood; however, it should not come as a shock. The people of God have faced such times no matter the place of their citizenship or residence. As an example, consider Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. These young Jewish men faced a tyrannical Babylonian king who in turn faced the all-powerful God. While these men had no idea if God would come to their earthly rescue, there was no question that He would save their souls. Cowering in fear was not the answer for them nor is it the answer for 21st century Christians. Instead, faith must be bolstered that God has the situation well in hand.

No matter who wins the presidency, may every child of God commit to following the instructions He has given: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (I Timothy 2:1-2 ESV). Armed with prayer and trust, God’s people can face whatever change comes to the political landscape.

The Resilient Christian, Part 10

The Resilient Christian, Part 10

Running with Horses

Running with Horses