Let the Lower Lights Be Burning, Part 2

Let the Lower Lights Be Burning, Part 2

Loneliness is a terrible feeling that is easily exacerbated by difficulties or losses. Few of us could honestly say that we have never experienced this feeling, even though we have many people around us. Loss of loved ones, disappointments with family members, and disputes with brethren are only a few situations that can bring us to join the prophet Elijah in saying, “I alone am left.” It is for this very reason that God has filled the pages of the Bible with both commands to encourage and examples of encouragers. The apostle Paul admonished the Thessalonians to “encourage one another and build one another up” (I Thessalonians 5:11). A man named Joseph was so diligent in fulfilling this command that the apostles nicknamed him Barnabas, which means “son of encouragement.” Simply put, the Bible says we need one another. Over 2,000 years after the life of Barnabas, it is comforting to know that sons and daughters of encouragement still abound, and a host of these are members of the Gooch Lane church! With a membership of over 250 people, it is not uncommon to read about situations that can lead a fellowmember to feel lonely and blue. When these occasions are made known, the “card brigade” swings into action! Though a seemingly small gesture, these handwritten notes of encouragement remind us that we are not alone; they demonstrate a loving heart that reaches out with a message of care and strength for the day. The techies are as diligent in their concern. Though not handwritten, their electronic messages are instantly transported to the one in need and provide a real-time comfort that sustains during times of sadness or stress. Truly, it is a picture of using technology to the glory of God. Over the years, there have been times in my life when challenges have pressed hard. I am amazed at how often a “random” card or note of encouragement has come my way while the storm swirled. Of course, there is nothing random about it; it is a fellow-pilgrim who may or may not have any idea what is happening in my life taking the occasion to build me up. Given the opportunity, many others could testify of similar situations in their own hour of trial. Thanks to these lower lights who keep us going. You may receive little acknowledgment for the time and energy you take to be an encouragement; however, your impact is eternal. Keep up the good work and may those who read about your efforts to make the harbor a safer place find the zeal to imitate your example. The world is filled with situations and people who tear us down. There is always room for one more member of the “card brigade” who can lift sagging hands and strengthen weakening knees (Isaiah 35:3). Let the lower lights be burning!

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