Did We Do Good to All?

Did We Do Good to All?

Every year is unique and 2021 was no different. Within the past 12 months, the United States inaugurated a new president, faced variants of the COVID-19 virus, ended a war in Afghanistan, and sought to restart an economy that had been quarantined. One year ago, the Gooch Lane church met in the parking lot for worship, conducted classes online, and listened to sermons via podcast. Throughout this time, we had many join us in our work for the Lord, had couples who expanded their families through birth and adoption and lost some of our fellow soldiers of the cross. To say the least, it has been a memorable year.

One year ago, we were given the challenge to “do good to all” as our yearly theme. This was drawn from the admonition given to the Galatian Christians by the apostle Paul: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:9-10). For twelve months, we have been admonished through sermons, bulletin articles, Bible classes, and elder edification to live up to this noble goal. At the close of 2021, an important question must be asked: Did I do good to all?

Examining the evidence congregationally, the answer is most certainly yes. Needs have been met for members of our own local family as well as our spiritual family throughout the world. Generous contributions have led to souls being saved in Malawi, South Africa, and other points where this congregation shares in the work of evangelists. Locally, hours have been dedicated to our collective Bible studies and worship as well as caring for both the physical and spiritual needs of the saints in Madison.

While answering our question collectively is important, it is even more important that we each answer the question concerning our individual labor, since we will not grow by seeking to ride on the spiritual coattails of others. Did I do good? This answer should not provide a time of lauding our efforts, nor should it promote debilitating guilt. It should be the motivation to spur us on to greater things.

The “2021 Theme” will be history in just a few days as we begin another unique year. However, doing good must never cease. May we each commit to making this a lifetime theme as we seek to emulate our selfless Savior who gave all for you and me.

He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Acts 10:38b

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