Two Unnamed Wives

Two Unnamed Wives

Noah and Lot have much in common. Both lived in worlds fixated on evil. Both received divine instruction on escaping coming punishment of evil, and both could take their families with them. Sadly, both also became inebriated after their God-given escape, and both had problems with children as a result.

One other commonality was the mention of their name withheld wives. This, however, is where the story diverges. The Bible gives no detail concerning Noah’s wife. Still, her entry into the ark is testimony of her trust in both God and her husband. An animal laden ark was no relaxing cruise, yet she trusted that it was her means of salvation. Lot’s wife did not share this same faith. Though allowed to leave her sin-infested world, she broke the one command God gave her: “Don’t look back.” In looking back, there was surely longing for what was being left behind. As a result, God ended His salvation to her as He ended her life.

Though little is known of these women, important lessons can be learned from them. One is that actions produce consequences, not only for oneself but also for others. “What if” is typically a pointless adventure in history. Still, what would have happened if Lot’s wife had obeyed? For certain, she would have saved her own life, but It is also likely that her daughters would never have committed incestual sin with their father, leading to two sons whose families grew into two nations that were bitter enemies of Israel. It is rare for sin to have no consequences on anyone but the sinner.

Most importantly, these wives teach us that obedience is the difference between life and death. When God offers the opportunity to escape wickedness, that opportunity must be vigorously seized. No matter the situation, God’s grace has its limits and the “escape route” will close. As well, to look back longingly for what was left behind is to dismiss God’s kind favor. While one may not turn into a pillar of salt as did Lot’s wife, death will certainly follow. Choosing evil over good is always the business of destruction.

The Lord commanded to “remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32). May each also remember Noah’s wife and understand the choice that each woman made. In their examples, one can vividly see the consequences of choosing God or choosing evil.

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