Take Time to be Holy

Take Time to be Holy

“...as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy’”1 Peter 1:15,16.

For several months now I have been fascinated with the realization that God really expects us to be holy people. Peter’s quotation of Leviticus 11:45 is a reminder of the nature of God revealed to His people. The realistic expectation of holiness on the part of God of His people then, and his expectation now is stated in both old and new covenant scriptures. God does not expect the impossible of us, but rather teaches us to allow Him to shape our lives so that we can be like Him.

My purpose in this article will be to draw some beginning thoughts about holiness from the phrases of the song by W. D. Longstreet, Take Time to Be Holy, primarily verse one. That verse reads:

                                    “Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord;

                                    Abide in Him always, and feed on His word,

                                    Make friends of God’s children; help those who are weak,

                                    Forgetting in nothing His blessings to seek.”

To be holy requires a mindset that makes us willing to “take time” to deliberately seek holiness. Thinking about our priorities, the budgeting of our time and money and other resources would be a good beginning.

“Speak oft with thy Lord” is a powerful expression of our incredible opportunity to enter into communication with the God of the universe! The apostle Paul solicited the prayers of the Thessalonian brethren “that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith” 2 Thessalonians 3:1,2. Seek holiness by developing lists of people for whom you regularly pray. Your passionate and repeated prayers for the salvation/healing/attitudinal change of people whom you love has the effect of changing us in the direction of holiness. Spiritual power and holiness come to our lives as we align our will with His will.

“Abide in Him always, feed on His word.” A correct attitude toward God’s revealed word is essential to developing holiness. His word is a “lamp to our feet” and a “light to our way.” I know of no way to develop and continue in a path of holiness without regular contact with God’s word. The nature, character, and attributes of the Holy One become a part of our thought processes as we “feed on His word.” The ideal is to be reading His word, mixing in moments of meditation (thinking of the meaning and its application in our lives) with our desire to understand His will.

“Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak.” Our growth in holiness will be accelerated by our association with other Christians who also aspire to be holy. Helping those who are weak results in our being helped. The number and variety of God’s children with whom we travel through life enriches our own lives. The observation of holiness in the lives of others helps us in our enjoyment of life in the body of Christ.

“Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.” Living in closeness with God provides a glorious quality of life for those who “take time to be holy.” Other parts of the song remind us to bring “each thought and each motive beneath His control.” Being led by God’s will we will come to “fountains of love” and will be “fitted for service above.”

Isaiah describes in his prophecy the future glory of Zion, that is, the church, God’s people. It was to be a place where those who follow God will be on the high road Christians travel on their way to glory.

“A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called the Highway of Holiness” Isaiah 35:8a.

Our Maker, Redeemer and Sustainer calls us to “Take Time to Be Holy” as we prepare to live with Him, serve Him, and “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalms 29:2).

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