Prejudice Must Go!

Prejudice Must Go!

The past two weeks have highlighted that race relations remain tense in 2020: a late night comedian apologized for a black-face skit; a bizarre incident in New York’s Central Park involved a Caucasian woman with an unleashed dog calling the police on an African American birdwatcher; an African American man died with a Caucasian police officer’s foot on his throat. While new details may emerge that tell a different side to these stories, what is currently known demonstrates that grave problems remain.

It is highly unlikely that race relations will ever reach a state of harmony. While efforts should continue to attain this goal, world history indicates that “tribalism” has always been a troublesome thorn in the side of humanity. What is essential is that Christians do not fall prey to this ungodly line of thinking. Racial prejudices are wrong; there is absolutely no excuse for such attitudes. As the apostle Paul wrote, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28 ESV). Prejudices seek to make one feel superior to another due to skin pigmentation, origin of birth, or economic bracket. Paul’s words fully demonstrate that such things should make little difference to those who have been brought into the family of God. Love for fellow-Christians transcends earthly distinctions. The same attitude should be shown to those outside the family. Real love is demonstrated when the gospel is taken into “all the world,” no matter the differences that may exist.

For Christians who find such ungodly thoughts haunting the corridors of their minds, change must occur. Now! “That’s the way I was raised” and similar excuses hold no water for those seeking to be “transformed by the renewal of your mind.” May each child of God demonstrate the love of God to all, regardless of earthly distinction. In this God is honored and love is shown to neighbors.

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