Happy LGBT Month

W. Frank Walton


It’s the stuff of email nightmares. A glaring subject line announces something to the effect of “Presidential Proclamation – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month.” The body of the email then elaborates how a president of the United States has designated the month of June to proclaim how “LGBT Americans have made, and continue to make, great and lasting contributions that continue to strengthen the fabric of American society.”

As the email continues, quotes from this president encourage all Americans to put bigotry aside and fully work for those of the LGBT community so that they may obtain universal rights by ending discrimination shown to this group.

Sadly, this is no email. This message cannot be put in the junk bin with those accusing Proctor & Gamble of supporting devil worship or explaining how scuba gear was found in the middle of the desert. The above message is no contrived story created by its writer to see just how far such fallacies will circulate. The above message is taken from the Presidential Proclamations signed by U.S. President Barack Obama proclaiming June of both 2009 and 2010 as LGBT pride month. The proclamations were posted on the White House’s official website and seek to legitimize the sinful practice of homosexuality and present it as both normal and acceptable. As well, it seeks to make those who take a stand against such actions appear as out of touch, bigoted, and homophobic.

How do Christians living in the United States deal with this issue? Are those who do not support such actions really standing in the way of civil rights for a mistreated and alienated group? A growing number of those who consider themselves religious are answering yes to the previous question. Changing attitudes are being witnessed in many major denominations as they welcome active participants of the LGBT community into their membership, with no changes of lifestyle expected. As pagans of past generations, some claiming to wear the name of Christ have surrendered their convictions and openly accepted those who participate in such actions.

How, though, do Christians truly seeking to follow the ways of God respond? As with any moral issue, it must be examined in light of the Scriptures. Christians must understand what God expects. In this regard, please consider the following in relation to this issue:

There is no happiness in LGBT month. It saddens those faithful to the Lord to see their earthly country heading down a road of ruin. Christians, however, must not despair. While earthly leaders may disappoint and their fellow men may throw aside all vestiges of godliness, better times are coming. Christians can take heart that they serve a Leader who always knows right from wrong. They serve a Leader who will welcome them home to a land where godliness reigns. Every Christian must remember this and every Christian must work to bring others to this knowledge – no matter what sin those others may practice. There may be no happiness in LGBT month, but there will be great rejoicing when the righteous hear “welcome home, you good and faithful servant.”