Be Sincere

Ronald Stringer

It never ceases to amaze me how people can thank God publicly for their accomplishments, good fortunes, and wealth when it is easy to see that they do not have a proper respect for Him. Take, for instance, a music award show. The performers who win the awards usually give acceptance speeches when they go onstage to receive the trophy. One of the first phrases that comes out of many of the performers’ mouths has something to do with "thanking God" for giving them the talents and abilities that they have. However, more often than not, these same performers who "give God the glory" write lyrics about sexual relations, drugs, murder, and other sinful activities. Many of them wear immodest apparel and/or use profanity in their lyrics and in their everyday lives.

Another example of this is the athletes who "call on the Lord" whenever they are participating in a sporting event. It is not unusual to see football players kneel down in the end zone after they have scored a touchdown. They are supposedly praying and thanking God for allowing them to score. While some of these athletes may be sincere in their prayers to God, many of them are not. In fact, many of them will bow down in prayer after a touchdown, but scream profanities or disrespect figures of authority when things do not go their way. They are willing to "praise God" and give Him the glory when they perform well, but disobey Him and His laws the rest of the time.

I do not understand how someone can say God’s name in one sentence, and then use profanity in the next! It is shameful for people to call on the name of the Lord one minute, but then sin against Him a minute later. God deserves and demands our respect in every aspect of our lives. We cannot choose to serve Him during some parts of our lives and reject Him the rest of the time. Matthew’s gospel teaches us that God will not accept everyone who calls His name. The passage reads, "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Matthew 7:21).

As Christians, it is very important that we remember this verse. We must remember that God will not listen to us unless we are obedient to Him. We need to live our lives in service to God at all times, respecting His laws and obeying His commands. It does not matter how many times we say we "love the Lord" or how many times we "thank the Lord" for what we have. If we do not say His name with a sincere love in our hearts, our words are meaningless.

We should always do our very best to show God that we are sincere through our obedience. If we do, God will continue to provide for us and will save us a home in heaven.

Have Mercy!!!

My Mother and My Brothers